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Eveline G. Bouwers and Niall Whelehan: »Homeland and Hostlands: The Spatial Dynamics of Political Mobilisation in the Early-Twentieth Century World«
BouwersWhelehan.Special_Issue_I&M_(Homelands-Hostlands)_cover="margin-bottom:The supplement of the journal »Immigrants and Minorities. Historical Studies in Ethnicity, Migration and Diaspora«, published by Eveline G. Bouwers und Niall Whelehan, has been released under the title »Homeland and Hostlands: The Spatial Dynamics of Political Mobilization in the Early-Twentieth Century World«.

In their articles, the authors apply to the issues »homelands« and »hostlands« concerning identity, loyalty and estrangement at the beginning of the 20th century. Through examples, the articles manage to consider the importance of spatial perspectives in understanding how people and communities are moved to action by grievances, frustrations and loyalties.

In her article »Challenging the Republic from the Provinces: An Analysis of Crowd Action after the French Separation Law (1905)«, Eveline G. Bouwers deals with the reactions of the »ordinary« catholics to the Separation Law from 1905.

Dr. Eveline G. Bouwers studied History, History of Arts and Political Science in Utrecht, Löwen and Amsterdam. Since 2013, she is research assistant at the IEG and project leader of the Emmy Noether-Nachwuchsgruppe »Glaubenskämpfe: Religion und Gewalt im katholischen Europa, 1848-1914«.

Dr. Niall Whelehan is research assistant at Strathclyde University Glasgow. His research fields include Modern Irish History, Political Violence, Diaspora, Nationalism and Social Movement.