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Good Research Practice

As a member institution of the Leibniz Association, the Leibniz Institute of European History is subject to the Leibniz Code of good research practice. It describes the area of scientific integrity in full and sets binding standards. The criteria of good scientific practice, definitions of misconduct and the role and authority of the association’s central Ombuds Committee and decentralised ombudspersons are specified in the Guidelines for good scientific practice, which are equally binding for all Leibniz institutions. With the Leibniz Code, the Leibniz Association implements the DFG Code of conduct "Guidelines for safeguarding good research practice".

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To ensure good research practice, the IEG also maintains a long-standing cooperation with the Johannes Gutenberg University (JGU) Mainz. In a cooperation agreement (renewed in 2023), the IEG recognises the JGU's Code of Conduct for Safeguarding Good Research Practice, as amended from time to time, in a legally binding manner and applies it accordingly. The IEG obliges its academic staff to comply with the regulations of the Code. The ombudsperson of the JGU is available to the employees of the IEG as a contact person in questions of good research practice. The Commission for the Investigation of Suspected Academic Misconduct is also available to the IEG.