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06.12.2018 19:00 Uhr

Thematic Evening: “Thirty Year’s War and Peace of Westphalia in Science, Literature and Music”
Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 2, 55131 Mainz, Plenarsaal. Language: German After a lengthy and complex negotiation process, the series of peace treaties, known as the Peace of Westphalia, were signed 1648 in Münster and Osnabrück. They ended the Eighty Year’s Dutch War of Independence and brought a close to the Thirty Year’s War. The Negotiations later served as examples for other Peace Conferences, because it enforce the principles of sovereign states, regardless of their actual power. With short presentations, we will remember the events of the Thirty Year’s War and the Peace of Westphalia. Actor Reinhard Riecke will read poems, documents, songs and sermons from times of peace and war. Singer Andreas Karasiak presents compositions that originated in that time period. Welcome Speech: Stefan Hradil Vice-President Executive Commitee Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz Irene Dingel Director at the Leibniz Institut of European History (IEG), Department "Abendländische Religionsgeschichte" Speaker: Christian V. Witt IEG Mainz Ein Duell ohne Sieger – Gustav II. Adolf und Wallenstein Thomas Weller IEG Mainz Spanier an der Ostsee Christophe Schellekens IEG Mainz Der Frieden von Münster und die Geburt der Niederländischen Republik Christopher Voigt-Goy IEG Mainz Der Religionsfrieden von Münster und Osnabrück Henning P. Jürgens IEG Mainz Kriegsende und Friedensfeiern Christian Rohrbach, Altus/ Cembalo Fabian Kelly, Tenor/ Cembalo Andreas Karasiak, Tenor/ Bariton Reinhard Riecke Literature