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13.10.2021 18:00 Uhr

Open Lecture "Guru to the world: India and the transformation of Western spirituality in the age of imperialism"
Venue: Erbacher Hof, Akademie und Tagungszentrum des Bistums Mainz, Grebenstraße 24–26, 55116 Mainz In cooperation with the Erbacher Hof, Akademie und Tagungszentrum des Bistums Mainz Ruth Harris' keynote lecture will elaborate on religious revival which focuses on the links between South Asia and the West. In particular, she will illustrate India’s role in the transformation of Western spirituality in the age of imperialism, by addressing the work of selected Indian intellectuals and their relationship to Western thought. Ruth Harris is Professor of Modern History at the University of Oxford. Her research centres on the history of Modern Europe in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. SheI focus expecially on France, writing interdisciplinary cultural history that combines the history of religion and gender, as well as medicine and science. The lecture is held in english. The open lecture is part of the international conference "Religious Transformations in Europe: Individual Life Paths between Secularism and (New) Religiosity in the 19th Century", which will take place from 13-15 October 2021 in cooperation with the Erbacher Hof, Academy and Conference Centre of the Diocese of Mainz in a hybrid format. The conference is funded by the DFG. You are welcome to attend the open lecture via the WebEx link << https://institutfuereuropaeischegeschichte.my.webex.com/institutfuereuropaeischegeschichte.my/j.php?MTID=mf507167bbb1a16f164096d4f21ae1ff5 | https://institutfuereuropaeischegeschichte.my.webex.com/institutfuereuropaeischegeschichte.my/j.php?MTID=mf507167bbb1a16f164096d4f21ae1ff5 | _new >> Image credit: Ruth Harris, Photographer: John Cairns