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»Rome /Roma« – New article by Markus Müller and Alessandro Grazi on »On site, in time«
There is a new article in the collection of the IEG project »On site, in time«: »Rome / Roma« by Markus Müller and Alessandro Grazi. In their article, the authors shed light on the fascinating differences that marked the history of Rome, such as the book censorship of the catholic church and the coexistence of different Jewish communities in the same city.

Historically, how were difference and inequality negotiated in Europe? What were the parts played by religion, society and politics? »On site, in time« takes a look at events that took place in European locations and that exemplify Europe’s historical development since 1500. About 60 articles illustrate the various and conflict-ridden ways of negotiating differences and inequality. They depict strategies that were developed to promote, present, preserve, mitigate or abolish difference. Such strategies may include discussions, peaceful solutions and aid as well migration, mission and protest or even exclusion, war and destruction.

Photo: Great Synagogue of Rome, Photograph, 28.09.2014. Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0).