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New publication "Die europäische Integration und die Kirchen IV: Versöhnung und Ökumene, Ethik und Recht " edited by Irene Dingel, Jan Kusber and Małgorzata Morawiec
This volume in german language brings together the contributions of a colloquium held in 2018 at the end of nine years of interdisciplinary research by the Research Training Group "The Christian Churches and the Challenge of 'Europe'". The contributions focus on the thematic areas of the Christian churches' understanding of Europe, Europe in the context of reconciliation and ecumenism, and law and ethics in the context of the challenge of "Europe", thus providing an insight into the ongoing research on the Christian churches' position on the question of "Europe". Church historians, theologians, historians and political scientists participated in the volume.

The publication is available online or as hardcover. More information on the individual contributions can be found on the publisher's website.

Irene Dingel is director of the department "Abendländische Religionsgeschichte" at the IEG.

Jan Kusber is head of the Department of Eastern European History at the University of Mainz.

Małgorzata Morawiec was director of the Research Training Group "The Christian Churches and the Challenge of 'Europe'", 2013-2018.

Irene Dingel, Jan Kusber, Małgorzata Morawiec (ed.)
Die europäische Integration und die Kirchen IV
Versöhnung und Ökumene, Ethik und Recht
Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Geschichte, Mainz: Beihefte, 131: Abt. Abendländische Religionsgeschichte
Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2020
ISBN: 978-3-525-56043-3
DOI: 10.13109/9783666560439