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The Université de Strasbourg has decided to award Irene Dingel the honorary doctorate
In December 2020, the Université de Strasbourg decided to award IEG Director Irene Dingel with the title of Dr honoris causa. „Ich freue mich sehr über dieses Ehrendoktorat einer so renommierten Universität und vor allem auf jenen Zeitpunkt, an dem die Verleihung durch eine öffentliche Zeremonie gebührend vollzogen werden kann [I am very pleased to receive this honorary doctorate from such a prestigious university and I am especially looking forward to the moment when the award ceremony can take place]" says Irene Dingel, who had already received the official notification from the President of the Université de Strasbourg a few months ago. However, due to the Corona pandemic, the ceremony scheduled for June had to be postponed again.

The "conseil d'administration de l'Université de Strasbourg" unanimously followed the proposal of the French collegium to honour Irene Dingel. The honorary doctorate will be awarded to her because of her excellent research achievements and her contribution to cross-border cooperation.