Dr. Demival Vasques Filho
Affiliated researcher
Time at IEG: 2019-2023
Research projects:
"Linked Art" – Exploratory Project on the Use of Network Analysis in the Field of Art History
In the course of the seminar "Network Science in the Humanities", which Demival Vasques Filho conducted in the summer semester 2020 in the Mainz Master's programme "Digital Methodology in the Humanities and Cultural Studies", the students Sophia Renz and Vanessa Tissen started their project.
Forgeries X Networks
Art forgeries have been a challenge for the art business and its collecting and preserving institutions not only since the sensational case of Wolfgang Beltracchi. From the end of the 19th century onwards, the journal "Mittheilungen des Museen-Verbandes - als Manuscript für die Mitglieder gedruckt und ausgegeben" ("Notices of the Museums Association - printed and issued as a manuscript for the members") appeared, which published current occurrences and findings relating to forgeries and suspected cases that had come to light.
Negotiating social relations in collective and affiliation-based networks
Social relations are usually negotiated within a collective structure. In general, actors belong to social units or take part in social events where pairwise interactions (individual to individual) are over-simplistic. Nonetheless, current historical network analysis relies greatly on this type of interaction. Instead, we investigated interactions between individual and collectivities, employing affiliation networks, and how these interactions affect the former.