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The Fellowfinder provides an overview of the Awardees and Visiting Researchers at the IEG since 1951. All data on Fellows refer to the time of their fellowship at the IEG and will not be updated.

Tetiana Shyshkina

Doctoral Fellow

Affiliation: Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany
Research project: The Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee's Network Dynamics
Time at IEG: 2023, 2024
Funding: Institute

Dissertation Project

The research on the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (JAFC) in the USSR (1942-1948) integrates Soviet and Jewish Studies using digital tools, including the creation of a co-authorship network from the 'Eynikait' newspaper based on the Index of Yiddish Periodicals. This network is compared with those from other contemporary Yiddish and Soviet newspapers to identify unique and general patterns in the JAFC's co-author network and organizational structure. Overall, the project aims to uncover previously unrecognized influences and roles within the JAFC’s international networks.

Stand: 17.11.2023