12.09.2024 - 13.09.2024
Workshop »Connections and Entanglements: Trade, Mobility, and Cultural Transfer between the North and Baltic Seas and the Iberian Atlantic in the Early Modern Period«

Organized by Thomas Weller (IEG Mainz) and Manuel Fernández Chaves (Universidad de Sevilla) at the IEG, Mainz.
This workshop brings together scholars from Spain, Germany, Austria and Scandinavia who are interested in cross-cultural trade, mobility, and perception of self and other in early modern Europe.
Trade and mobility in the Iberian Atlantic have produced a growing body of scholarship. Only recently has the integration of other European regions into the emerging Atlantic world become a prominent topic. At the time when Spain and Portugal founded their Atlantic empires, Europe was divided by political and religious conflicts. However, Iberian ports like Lisbon and Seville attracted merchants from across Europe, including those from rivalling powers and religious others. Spanish and Portuguese merchants, adventurers, diplomats, and soldiers not only advanced into remote areas of America and Asia, but also frequented trading centres, princely courts, and battlefields in central and northern Europe. Against this backdrop, this workshop aims to explore the connections and entanglements between two regions traditionally viewed separately: the North and Baltic Seas and the Iberian Atlantic.
More information and registration: weller@ieg-mainz.de. Application deadline: September 4, 2024
Venue: Leibniz-Institute of European History, Alte Universitätsstr. 19, 55116 Mainz, Germany
Co-funded by: Proyecto de I+D+i La esclavitud en la economía y la sociedad de la España del siglo XVI (PID2022-138444OB-I00), funded by MICIU/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033.
Picture Credits:
Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg, Freti Danici Or Sund Accuratiss Delineatio, Köln 1588, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Helsingor_1588.jpg