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Dr. Andreas Kunz

Member of the academic staff, Department "Universalgeschichte"

Time at IEG: 1989 – 2013

Research projects:


Since 2009, the website "Digital Atlas on the History of Europe since 1500" has provided access free of charge to 341 maps, some of which are in an interactive GIS-supported format, which give an overview of the political, religious and dynastic changes which have occurred in Europe.


This bilateral collaboration  between Eindhoven University of Technology and IEG Mainz encapsulates in over 40 maps the development of long-distance communication and of transport routes – based on a variety of statistical data – in 19th and 20th-century Europe.

HGIS Germany

The historical-geographical information system "HGIS Germany" depicts the changing constellation of the German and European states from 1815 onward.


At the Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG), a server for digital historical maps has been made available since November 2000. The server URL is http://www.ieg-maps.de.

Verkehrsinfrastrukturen in Mitteleuropa im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert

Der Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeiten lag in der Grundlagenforschung, die im Rahmen eines von der »European Science Foundation« geförderten internationalen Forschungsverbundes sowie anderer kleinerer Projekte Basisdaten erarbeitet und publiziert werden konnten. Unter anderem enstand dabei ein digitales Kartenwerk zur Entwicklung europäischer Verkehrs- und Kommunikationsnetze und deren wirtschaftlicher Performance im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert.