Ausschreibungen im Detail
Call for Articles for European History Online: “Warfare 1789–1900” and “Warfare 1914–1945”
We would like to draw your attention to the Call for Articles for European History Online ( The deadline for abstracts is 15 June 2024.
European History Online (EGO) is a transcultural / transnational online history of Modern Europe. It combines reviewed scholarly articles with written, visual and audio-visual sources and is compiled in international as well as interdisciplinary cooperation. Publication languages are English and German. EGO is carried out by the Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG) in Mainz in cooperation with the Centre for Digital Humanities, University of Trier, and the Bavarian State Library. Please see the introduction ( for more information on the transcultural perspective of European History Online as well as on the publication platform in general.
We are looking for authors for the survey articles on “Warfare 1789–1900” and “Warfare 1914–1945”. These articles are part of the thematic thread “Alliances and War” which examines the potential for conflict in European history and, at the same time, considers influential events that often produced intellectual turning points. The aspects of interest here are the processes of communication and exchange that took place during and as a result of war, whereby military defeats, in particular, can frequently be seen as the trigger for intensive processes of transfer and learning. On the other hand, the direct and indirect impact of military developments themselves are examined: the thread highlights not only specific forms of transfer, for example through military alliances, occupation, captivity during war or peace treaties, but also the resistance to these, for example pejorative re-interpretations of “foreign” elements. The thread “Alliances and War”, thus, also represents the fact that European history is by no means characterized by only the exchange of ideas and wares, but also the fact that reciprocal relationships always contained the potential for conflict.
The contributions on “Warfare 1789–1900” and “Warfare 1914–1945” should focus on the main issues in European warfare from a cultural transfer perspective – after the French Revolution until the end of the 19th century and from the beginning of the First World War until the end of the Second World War respectively. This might include an exploration of topics such as causes and impact (political, social, cultural, economic), war’s place in international relations/diplomacy (war as a continuation of politics by other means?), military institutions and technology as the means to deliver coercive force, war and society/culture, perceptions of war and prisoners. Please emphasize different key aspects in your abstract as you see fit.
The expected deadline for the final articles (approx. 5,000 words including space characters; excluding endnotes and bibliography) is 1 November 2024. Publication is scheduled for early to mid-2025. As with every survey article, your contribution will be translated into either German or English at the IEG's expense after publication of the original version and then published in both languages. Please submit your abstracts of max. 300 words (in English or German) to until 15 June 2024.
Contact information
Dr Claudia Falk,