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Open Access Policy of the Leibniz Institute for European History


Open Access stands for unrestricted and free access to quality-assured scientific information on the internet. By removing technical, financial, and legal barriers, Open Access helps to accelerate scientific innovation processes and improve the visibility of research results. This supports scholars in their research and publication processes and maximises the benefits of publicly funded research. As a member of the Leibniz Association, the Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG) is committed to Open Access. The IEG follows the »Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities«[1] and the Leibniz Association's Open Access recommendations[2].

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Recommendations and commitments

The IEG endeavours to publish its research results in accordance with the Open Access principle, both by publishing directly in Open Access as well as - within the framework of legal options - by making publications accessible via document servers (repositories) immediately at publication or as quickly as possible thereafter. In case of direct Open Access publication, the IEG recommends publication under a licence »Approved for Free Cultural Works«[3].
In case of immediate or subsequent Open Access publication, IEG researchers are urged not to grant publishers exclusive rights of use in their publishing contracts, but rather - as far as possible - to secure their own exploiting rights on a permanent basis and to transfer a simple right of use to the IEG for institutional or subject-specific repositories. This is the only way to ensure free access in addition to possible commercial use by publishers. The IEG strongly recommends that its researchers obtain third-party funding for Open Access publication when applying for projects.
The IEG also regards research data as a valuable result of its research. A separate policy applies to the handling of research data at the IEG and to making it available.


The IEG promotes Open Access by:
  • registering freely available publications by its researchers in LeibnizOpen.
  • supporting its researchers in financing OA publication fees wherever possible.
  • publishing OA publications (IEG digital) and successively supplementing the printed IEG series with OA editions.
  • informs and advises its researchers on Open Access and supports them in clarifying legal issues related to the Open Access publication of their research results.
To implement its OA strategy, the IEG appoints the scientific editor and the library director as OA representatives of the board of directors for representation in committees (Leibniz Working Group, etc.) and OA contact persons for employees for advice on publishing matters (contractual issues, etc.).
[1]     Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities: http://openaccess.mpg.de/3515/Berliner_Erklaerung